Employee Engagement - Redefined
We think of employee engagement like a dance backed by science.
It takes two to tango and we are here to help you learn the steps so your employees will stay in the dance for a longer time.
Understand your employee’s sentiment if they’re happy, stressed and engaged with their job
As a tool to improve your company’s workplace or even your product/services too
As an effective communication tool to constantly engage, empower and motivate your employee wherever they may be
Provide your employees a social platform to connect, collaborate and share
Changing The Way You Communicate
Badge and achievement centric mechanics to
encourage interaction.
Incentives are given to acknowledge and recognize active employees.
Polling System
Ability for everyone to vote for
the greater ideas for the team.
Organize events, workshops or social activities to engage with your peers.
Pulse Survey
Assess your Happiness, stress and engagement index with Feet's Happy AI Tech.
Providing a common place for ideas to be shared amongst colleague peers.
More reasons to get onboard with
Employee Awareness
Educate, update and connect employees with the organization.
Employee Engagement
Strong understanding and communication between employees.
Happier Workplace
Cultivating a positive working environment with a twist of fun.
Better Productivity
Happy employees experience 31% higher productivity at work.
Lark Integration
Seamless integration with Lark, an all-in-one collaboration platform.